Julia had been anxious all day. She just couldn't
concentrate in class and Mrs. Robins had had to remind her
to pay attention more than twice during the day. Not that it
was unusual for a fourth grader to be distracted on a Friday
before a long weekend. The bus wasn't there yet when the
bell rang and she bounced up and down on her feet as she
stood in line. She wanted to run as the yellow rocket pulled
into the drive but she knew that she had to wait her turn.
She got home from the bus stop and opened the door with
the house key she kept on a chain around her neck. There
was a note on the kitchen table-she recognized her
Daddy's printing.
I'll be home around 5:30 and we are going to go out. Please
don't eat because I'm planning to take you to a REALLY
NICE restaurant. Take a bath and do up your hair real
pretty, I'm bringing you home a new dress.
Love, Dad
She already knew this-that's why she had been so nervous
all day. He had told her when he dropped the 10 year old
off at school. She filled the tub, then stepped in. It was so
neat, she felt so grown up! She carefully and luxuriously
washed herself, soaping up her hair twice and then making
sure that she waited the whole five minutes with the
conditioner on it. Then she stood up and showered all the
soap and shampoo off. She blow dried her hair and used the
curling iron (she really wasn't supposed to use these when
she was alone but she knew her father wouldn't be too
mad) and was watching TV in a tee-shirt and panties when
she heard the garage door open.
Her daddy came in through the kitchen. "Hi darling, your
hair looks beautiful."
"Hi Daddy!" she jumped up and ran to him, hugging him
and almost knocking the boxes he was holding to the floor.
He had a shoe box, another long white box (it had to hold
the dress) and a small bag.
"Come to my room and you can dress while I shower."
She followed him to his bedroom. He sat down on the bed,
then handed her the shoe box.
"These first."
Julia opened the box and pushed the white tissue aside.
Inside was a pair of black sandals with high stiletto heals.
They were soooo awesome! She didn't own anything like
"Thank you Daddy!" she squealed and threw her arms
around his neck, kissing his cheek.
"Go on, honey, look at the rest."
She reverently opened the clothing box. Inside was a long
black evening dress. The fabric was thin and glittery-very
"OOOOoooo," she said as she lifted it out. It was what
beautiful women wore out on fancy dates.
"And, lastly, you need something else," he held out the
little bag.
Julia pulled out a tiny garment. At first, she didn't know
what it was, then she giggled.
"Daaaaddddyyy!" she laughed, "that's nasty."
Donald took the black thong and held it up, "You have to
wear these with dresses like that-else your underwear will
show through.
Julia took it back. It was a tiny triangle of black fabric, no
more than four inches long and two wide. Shoe string
straps connected the corners.
"You get dressed while I shower and shave." Don stood up
and started taking his tie off as his little girl quickly pulled
her shirt off and pushed her panties down. She was trying
to figure out how to put the thong on as her father started
the water running in the shower.
A few minutes later he came out of the bathroom as his
daughter admired herself in the mirror. The sight of her
caused a tightening in his loins. The black dress looked like
it just might be see through-but not quite. The back
plunged down almost to her butt, the front showed the two
very slight bumps that were the first stirrings of her breasts.
She was a good three inches taller in the heels.
"You look beautiful dear," he said, there was maybe a little
tightness in his voice.
"Thank you Daddy," she said.
She sat on the bed and watched her father shave through
the doorway. She felt so grown up. 'This must be the way
married couples are,' she thought. Then she realized that
her daddy was naked and she blushed. She had seen him
naked many times but had never thought THAT about him
before. She looked away but then stole a couple of peeks at
him, wondering about him....
He finished up and started to dress.
"You just need a couple last things to really make you
ravishing." He went to the closet and pulled down an old
jewelry box. It had been Julia's mothers. Seeing it made
Julia a little sad but she forgot that when he lifted a string
of tiny pearls out and held them up. After he had closed the
clasp at the nape of her neck, he gave her matching
earrings. Again, she felt so grown up as she stood at the
mirror putting the earrings in while her father stood behind
her and tied his tie.
It was a special night and they took his "real car." Julia
didn't know much about cars but she knew that it was a
very old luxury car from Germany-it was actually older
than her dad. They drove just a few miles in the Friday rush
hour traffic before stopping at the restaurant. Julia knew it,
"The Golden Bull" but had never been there before. She
knew it was really expensive and that her father sometimes
had business dinners there. In the foyer they were met by
the maitred' who knew him by name.
"Good evening Mr. Malone, I have your table ready."
"Thank you Jeffery."
"And is this lovely young lady your daughter?"
"Yes, Julia, this is Jeffery."
"Hello sir," she said. She was nervous and excited by the
adult attention, she really didn't want to do anything to
make her father mad.
They were ushered through the main dining room, past
many very well dressed ladies and distinguished looking
gentlemen, and into a smaller, more intimate room. There
were only a few tables and Jeffery seated them in a corner.
He held Julia's chair for her-she felt so wonderful.
Don took his jacket off, he was wearing a blue shirt and
burgundy tie, and hung it on an extra chair. Julia let the
shawl she had over her shoulders slip off onto the back of
her chair.
"Tonight we have a roast duck with pilaf. And I'd like to
recommend an excellent '93 Chardonnay. As an appetizer
we have mushrooms with lobster in red wine."
"That will be wonderful, Jeffery."
"Very good, sir."
Just a few moments later Jeffery returned with the bottle
and, with great flourish, removed the cork and poured a
small glass for Don.
"Excellent," Don said after tasting; filled his glass, then
half filled his daughters.
"Daddy, I can't drink wine here!" she whispered across the
"Of course you can, here and with me," Don paused as
Jeffery left. "You've never had duck?" Again a pause,
"Don't worry, tastes just like chicken."
Julia giggled, it was a corny joke her father made often.
The entire time in the restaurant was enchanting to the ten
year old. She didn't like the mushrooms but the duck was
really good. For desert they split a crape stuffed with
raspberries and drizzled with chocolate. She also drank two
glasses of wine and was feeling warm and a little tipsy
when they left the restaurant.
"Now we're going someplace really special," Don said as
he started the '54 Mercedes.
"It's a special club for fathers and daughters."
The drove for just a while, down residential streets lined
with lovingly restored town homes, then, on a side street,
he parked.
The evening was just a little bit cool as they walked two
blocks. Then, next to a small neighborhood grocery, Don
stopped at a dark row of buildings. There were no signs,
just a heavy looking door. From his pocket he took a
strange looking key and slid it into a lock on a panel next to
the door on the wall. There was a load click, then he pushed
the door open and let Julia in.
They were in a small dark room, lit with a bluish light.
There was a small window with an attractive young lady
sitting behind it. "May I see your membership card?" she
Don removed the card from the inside pocket of his jacket
and handed it through the slot at the bottom of the glass.
The woman consulted a computer then handed the card
"Thank you for coming Mr. Malone, you may go in."
A buzzer sounded as the lock on the inner door made a load
snap. "Thank you," Don said.
"Thank you ma'am," Julia said.
"You have a great time darling," the woman said to Julia.
They walked down a hallway, again dimly lit. There were a
number of doors. At one a large man in a suit and
sunglasses stood. He didn't say anything as Don handed
him the card. After a cursory inspection, he broke into a
wide grin. One of his teeth was gold.
"Right this way, Sir," he motioned further down the hall.
The couple followed him to another door. He removed a
ring of keys from his pocket, then opened the door. "Enjoy
your evening."
Inside, the room was dimly lit. Most of the 30 or so tables
were occupied, each with a man and a younger girl. Julia
and her father were shown to a table to the left of the stage,
several feet from a runway that extended out into the room.
This maitred' didn't recognize her father. They sat down
and, after just a couple of minutes, a waitress arrived. Julia
had a surprised expression when she saw the young
woman, she was wearing a fake "dickey" type tux front, the
bow tie a ribbon around her neck, and a very short black
dress and black leather boots which reached the middle of
her thighs.
"I'd like a scotch and water, bring Julia something fruity,"
he said nonchalantly, not trying to let on his real rush of
horniness at being confronted by the sexy teen.
"Daddy! Why is she dressed like that?" Julia hissed when
the young woman walked away.
"That's the way this club is, dear," he replied.
"Hi Julia," a voice came from behind him.
Julia looked up and broke into a surprised smile. "Hi
Heather!" she said.
Don turned around in his seat to face a stunning little
blonde. Behind her stood her father, his hands on her
"Daddy, this is Heather. We go to school together."
"Hello Heather," Don held out his hand, then stopped with
a look of surprise. He quickly stood up, shifting his
attention to Heather's father.
"Judge Mitchell, good evening sir," he said, holding his
hand out to the distinguished gentleman.
Heather's father cocked his head and held out his hand,
"Nice to meet you...."
"Oh, ... Donald Malone with Malone, Deacan and Stroud."
"Ah...yes, ... glad to meet you."
"I've never had the privilege to appear in your court, sir,
but many of my partners have."
"Oh, well, I'm sure we'll meet again," the judge said.
"Enjoy the evening."
As he led his little girl away, Julia and Heather waved. Don
and Julia sat back down.
"Is she in your class?" Don asked.
"No, Daddy. She's in third grade but we were in the play at
Christmas together. She was one of the elfs."
The two were silent as they looked around at the crowd.
Twenty, maybe twenty-five couples, all well dressed men
with their young daughters. All but one group-here a
Japanese man sat with identical twins, each in long red
satin evening dresses.
The waitress brought their drinks and, soon after, the
lighting dropped and the stage lights came on. A well
dressed man stepped up on stage with a mic. "Hello
everyone, and good evening. Looking around I see many of
my regular customers and also a few new ones. I expect we
will have a great time here tonight. For you girls who have
been here before, you know how much fun this evening
will be and, for you new girls (and your daddies) I welcome
you and encourage you to relax and have a great time."
"Now, to start off this evening's entertainment, as an ice
breaker of sorts for you newbies, our first dance is going to
be by one of our staff. This evening Martha won the straw
pull, and she will be performing. Martha is in 7th grade at
Collins Middle School. Her daddy isn't here this evening,
he dropped her off on the way to a business dinner but will
be back later. Will you all welcome Martha and enjoy the
By this time, Don had downed his scotch in nervous
anticipation while Julia had taken a couple of sips of her
margarita. From speakers on either side of the stage a
sudden blast of sound, Van Halen's "Jump!" From the
darkness the red headed waitress landed on stage with:
get up!"
She started a very energetic dance, prancing across the
stage, then out the runway. With every movement and
gesture she drew the crowd in, with every "Jump!" the
sound of her boots hitting the stage was a shot. Then with
the second, "Go ahead and jump!" she pulled at the ribbon
around her neck and the front of her dicky came free. She
threw it into the audience and, now topless, continued.
The blood roared in Don's head-what he had been told
about, and paid a great deal for, was true. Now, if the
special ingredient in all the girl's drinks was really there....
Julia gasped at the sight of the girls developing breasts. She
was totally surprised and shocked, never in her dreams had
she expected this! Still, as she watched the older girl, she
was intrigued. The blatant sexuality of the dance made her
feel both a little embarrassed but also curious. She was also
curious about the girl's small breasts, they didn't bounce a
lot, still almost hard beneath nickel sized nipples. The girl,
with her back to the audience and her legs straight, folded
over and looked out from between her knees. Her mini rode
up and Julia saw that she was wearing a red thong, just like
hers. She smiled, wondering about how she would look like
As the last chores of "Jump" ended she released the catch
at the side of the leather mini and it fell to the floor.
In the pause between songs, she stood in the light,
displaying her just developing breasts, flat stomach. Her
red hair just reached her shoulders, those who were close to
the stage could see she had grey eyes. Her legs, still in the
tall boots, made up more than half of her height, but the
four inch heals did exaggerate the length of her legs.
The next song on the CD started, "Panama:"
"Jump back, what's that sound?
Here she comes, full blast and top down
Hot shoe, burnin' down the avenue
Model citizen, zero discipline"
The 13 year old marched down the runway, her heals
"Ain't nothin' like it, her shiny machine
Got the feel for the wheel, keep the movin' parts clean
Hot shoe, burnin' down the avenue
Got an on-ramp comin' through my bedroom"
At the end of the runway she jerked at the side of her thong
and it came free.
"Yeah, we're runnin' a little bit hot tonight
I can barely see the road from the heat comin' off
You know what I'm sayin'
Ahh, you reach down put it between my legs n' ease the
seat back"
The entire room closed in for Don. Everything in his
peripheral vision was a fog, all he saw was the naked
beauty as she pranced on stage, squatting down and
spreading her knees to show off her pussy. Just a light
spray of red hair, not yet long enough to curl, above her
Julia felt warm and excited. She saw how much the girl
enjoyed showing off to the crowd. Most of the men were
frozen with awed expressions, many of the girls were
dancing in their seats, a couple cheered her on.
With the last word, "Panama," the spectators started
clapping, a couple of the men whistled. Martha smiled and
silently said "Thank you," then reached down and picked
up her discarded mini and thong, then walked back stage.
"Daddy! I can't believe she did that!" Julia said.
"Oh, but she is sooo sexy," Don replied. "This is a Daddy-
Daughter Nightclub."
"I think it's kind of nasty."
"Well, watch. You'll see that the girls are having a lot of
The MC stepped back up on the stage. "Ok, who's going to
be our first customer to dance?"
There was a loud group of squeals as about 15 girls raised
there hands and called out. The MC put his hand to his
forehead, shading his eyes and surveyed the audience. After
two sweeps with a dozen girls calling "Me Me!" he
"How 'bout Heather, Judge?" he asked.
The spot light shifted to Judge Mitchell's table. Heather
bobbed up and down in her seat, her hands in a prayer
mouthing "Please, Please" to her father. The Judge lifted
his large cowboy hat off the table and put it on, then
nodded. As there was an eruption of cheers and clapping,
the eight year old jumped up and grabbed her father's hand,
dragging him out of his seat and across the room to an
empty chair sitting at the very end of the runway.
Heather seated her father, then took his hat off and placed it
on the stage. She kissed his cheek, then ran off into the
darkness. Next she came up the short stairs and joined the
MC in the spot light.
"It's nice to see you again, Heather," he said, holding the
mic out to the little blonde.
"Hi," she said, more to the audience than to him.
"You're getting to be a regular here, this will be your third,
maybe fourth time up here?"
Heather sort of looked embarrassed, holding her hands
together in front of her and turning side to side. "Well...."
She smiled, "I don't know."
Martha arrived with more drinks, picking up the empties.
She was still naked. Julia didn't know what to think. She
was a little overwhelmed watching her friend on stage (she
really didn't believe that she was really going to do THAT)
and being confronted by the naked waitress. She was also
feeling very warm and a little anxious. She had butterflies
in her stomach and was a little light headed. She wasn't
listening, her father reached out and pulled her over on to
his lap. As the conversation ended she settled in with his
familiar arms around her, leaning back against his chest.
The music started when the girl was left alone.
At first, Don didn't recognize the song. It was a slow,
wistful calling, a high falsetto voice:
"I want my M...T....V.....
I want my, I want my em....tee...vee...."
The eight year old made slow gyrations to the sound, then,
when the electric guitar started out, she looked forward and
started a more mechanical dance.
"Look at that guy,
That's the way ya do it,
Ya play your guitar on MTV."
She pranced across the stage, unbuttoning the leather vest
she was wearing.
"Little faggot's got his own jet air-plane,
little faggot's a
The vest was left on the stage as she now came out the
runway toward her dad.
"We got to move these microwave ovens, custom kitchen
Her white sleeveless shirt slid down behind her, she was
now topless, showing everyone her straight, boyish chest
with barely visible pink nipples against white skin.
She picked up her father's hat and put it on, letting the
much too big Stetson ride back on her head as she danced
back down the runway.
"Maybe you get a blister on your little finger,"
She unzipped the short zipper on her hip.
"maybe you get a blister on your thumb."
The black skirt fell to the floor and she stepped out of it.
Julia made a sharp intake of breath. Heather wasn't wearing
any panties, now she was naked except for the hat. She was
still, very much, a little girl. She had no hips or breasts and
just enough fat that the outlines of her individual ribs could
not be seen. She took the hat off and held it in front of
herself, covering her round pussy lips.
During the guitar solo, she stopped in front of her dad and
danced behind the hat, teasing him with it, not letting him
see her charms behind it. At one point, she turned around
and stuck her ass in his face, wiggling it back and forth but
holding the hat over it.
She faced him and squatted down, her legs spread but,
again holding the hat in the way. When he did grab for it,
she snatched it away, not letting him have it. She danced
back up the runway, swinging her hips to the music, then
turned around and returned. Now she was on her knees
right in front of her father. She flared her hips, pushing her
pussy toward him. Even Don was riveted when he lifted up
and kissed his daughter just above her pussy slit.
As the song died down, he held his hand out and his little
girl lowered herself on it, sliding the knife edge back and
forth in her slit, her hands on her thighs. When the song
ended, she lunged forward and was caught by her dad who,
standing up, pulled her off the stage. They kissed in the
silence after the dance, then he lifted the little girl back on
The crowd cheered as the naked preteen walked back and
picked up her discarded garments. She was met by the MC
at the stairs.
"That was wonderful, Heather. You're always a surprise."
"Thank you," she giggled. Then, not saying anything more,
she walked back to the table she had shared with the judge
(he had returned to his seat) and sat down on his lap, facing
him. She left her clothes in a pile on the table.
As the MC solicited the next volunteer, Don hugged his
"I'd like to see you dance up there," he said.
She gave him a surprised look. She thought for a moment,
then thought it'd be fun. "Ok."
While the MC made his next selection, Don scribbled a
quick note on a napkin then handed it to a passing waitress.
The next girl was maybe 11 or 12. Under her one piece
very short dress the outlines of developing breasts were
clear. It was even money whether she was wearing a A or
an AA cup.
The pop song, "If It's Lovin' that you Want" started and
the girl started her dance. She was Hispanic, with olive skin
and very long thick hair. She was developing hips and had
a nicely rounded ass. She worked the zipper on the front of
her dress down, showing a lacy red bra and, when the dress
hit the floor, a matching pair of panties. She continued her
dance, showing off to the crowd who cheered when she
pulled one of the bra straps down off her shoulder. This girl
was an experienced stripper, her bra fell away freeing her
brown mounds topped with dark nipples. Next, as she came
out the runway, she pulled one side of her panties down,
the waist band hanging on the rise of her mons. Finally, it
slipped and her almost hairless pussy was uncovered-just
a shadow of dark hairs on her full pussy lips.
The panties were left behind and she slowly lowered
herself to the floor, sitting down with her knees up and
apart. Then there was a simultaneous intake of breath as
she pushed one of her fingers along, then into, her deep slit.
For the next four of five minutes the men and their little
daughters watched the lovely tween masturbate. First with
only one finger which she rounded her clit, then her
grouped fingertips, moving her soft vulva in a circle as her
nipples rose, dark cones above her tits. She leaned back on
her elbow as two fingers disappeared into her vagina. She
finished by laying on her back, both hands in her crotch,
one rubbing her clit, the other covering the first and
extending two fingers inside her. She shivered and rocked
as she came, oblivious to the crowd watching her pleasure
herself. As the music died, she rolled over onto her
stomach, a finger still deep inside her.
The room was silent as they watched the child panting.
Then she rose up onto her hands and knees, her ass towards
the audience, giving a marvelous view of her clam. Slowly,
laboriously, she stood up, her legs unsteady and walked off
the stage.
The MC regained the spotlight, "Well, that's going to be a
hard act to follow. We're going to take a short break now,
the blood pressure in here's high enough that a few heads
are about to explode. Then we're going to have a nice treat,
we have a newbie with us tonight that wants to take the
The lights came back up. "He's talking about you, dear,"
Don said to Julia.
She looked surprised, then a little embarrassed.
"That was the note I gave the waitress."
At almost the same time, Martha, still as naked except for
the boots, came up. "Do you really want to dance for us?"
Julia looked scared, "Well, ahh...."
"You'll be great," Don said.
Julia looked around, then said, "Ok."
"Come with me, I'll tell you all you have to do." The naked
teen led the ten year old off, holding her hand. They
disappeared behind a curtain at stage right. Don finished his
scotch and water and surveyed the others. Every girl who
had danced was still naked-it seemed to be the custom.
The Hispanic girl was sitting in the corner and looked to be
astride her father's lap, slowly raising and lowering.
Obviously her show on stage had only been a warm up for
her daddy. Heather was also sitting on her daddy's lap, but
she was sideways and talking to the girl at the next table.
Don wondered if he'd get to see that lovely black child
naked before the night was out.
The lights dimmed again and the voices of the audience
died down. Don found that his drink had been replaced.
"Ok daddies and daughters, now we have a treat. Ten year
old Julia is a newbie, but that isn't stopping her from
dancing. Come on out here Julia."
Don's stomach was tied in a knot as he watched his
daughter, still dressed as she was, come out on stage.
"Now, Julia, your 10, right?"
"Yes sir."
"That means you're in the fourth grade, huh? Where do you
go to school?"
"Mc Campbell."
"Oh, cool. The principal there is Mr. Alverez, right?"
"He comes here with his daughter, Casy."
"I know Casy!"
"She dances every time she comes," he paused. "Who's
class are you in?"
"Mrs. Robins."
"Do you like school?"
"Well...." She looked around, trying to see the audience,
"It's alright."
"I understand that you already know how to dance, you're
in lessons, right?"
"Yes, at Cinderella School of Dance."
"What do you do there?"
"Tap and Jazz." The conversation was calming the nervous
"And you just had a recital."
"Yes, we did 'Girl's Just Wan'a Have Fun."
"Well, dear, we have that for you. So all you have to do is
remember the dance. Do you think that will be good?"
"Yeah!" the girl brightened up.
"Except, dear, this time, ya know, there's a difference." He
lowered his voice, leaning down and closer to her so they
both could speak into the microphone at the same time.
"At the recital you were dressed differently, right?"
"Yeah, I had a red leotard."
"Well, this time, you're going to not have anything, right?"
Julia looked around nervously.
"This time, you're going to take your clothes off, right?"
"Yeah..." she kind of nervously giggled.
"You're going to take all of them off, right? Julia giggled
nervously. "Cause that's what we're about tonight, that's
what your daddy and all the people here want, Ok?"
"I guess so." She sort of rocked back and forth, hugging her
"Are you ready, dear?"
Julia looked around nervously, then she saw her father
sitting at the end of the runway. He was smiling at her, then
blew her a kiss and mouthed 'I love you.'
"Ah huh, I guess so."
"Ok dear, the stage is yours. I'm sure we'll all love your
show." He stepped off the stage, leaving the child alone.
The music started.
"I come home in the morning light
My mother says 'when you gonna live your life right?'"
She fell right into the dance, the steps seemed to come
naturally. First, she sashayed across the stage, hips
swinging, hands on hips. Then she turned and marched out
the runway, her hands behind her head, her head turned to
the side, looking down.
"Oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones
And girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun"
At the end of the runway she looked down and saw Don
smiling up at her. She looked around and saw all the faces
of the audience, the men with enthralled expressions,
admiring her and urging her on. The girls, dancing in their
seats, smiling, wishing they were her, encouraging her on.
"The phone rings in the middle of the night,
My father yells 'what you gonna do with your life?'
Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one
But girls they want to have fun.
Oh girls just want to have fun"
She started backwards, following her steps back, leaning
forward and swaying with the song. She let the loose
shoulder straps of the dress come over her arms. She
worked her shoulders to help them and, when she
straightened up, the front of the formal gown fell down,
uncovering her front to below her navel.
A dozen men inhaled sharply at the sight of her smooth
white skin, small pink nipples just beginning to stand out
above a smooth flesh plain. Her small shoulders, well
defined muscles and thin arms, her collar bones were sharp
ridges below her throat. The ripples of her ribs extended
across her chest, the triangle of her ribcage clearly ended at
her sternum. Parallel ridges extended down her abdomen
and were lost in her smooth belly below her oval navel.
She turned around and pointed her butt at the onlookers,
swinging it back in their faces, then slowly pulled the dress
down, uncovering the white twin orbs and smooth thighs.
She stepped out of the dress, still in her heals.
"That's all they really want, some fun.
When the working day is done
Girls-- they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun"
Again, she danced out the runway, just the small triangle of
black satin covering her most private, and most desired,
Don was mesmerized. He had seen his little girl naked
countless times, from the first time he changed her diaper
to just two evenings ago when he sat and talked about
school while she was in the tub. But, this was new. He
many times had dreamed about her as a lover, even relieved
himself with images of her in his mind, but here, she was
transformed. No longer was she an innocent little fourth
grader, his little girl, now she was the focus of his desire.
She stood in front of him, they were the only two in the
room. Julia could see that she had her daddy totally, she
was amused and a little awed that she was in control. She
stood over him, her legs straight. His look was of complete
attention, she knew he would do anything just for her, just
for her to loose a scrap of fabric.
She moved her hips from side to side and hooked her
thumbs through the strings over her hips, then, slowly,
started to push them down.
"Some boys take a beautiful girl,
And hide her away from the rest of the world.
I want to be the one to walk in the sun.
Oh girls they want to have fun,
Oh girls just want to have"
She, fraction by fraction of an inch, pushed the thong
down. First just slipping the waist band down a little. Then,
at the very top of her slit, it hung as the sides moved down,
below her hips, the string up her ass crack not wanting to
slip free. She pushed down more, moving her hands in
toward the middle, and the fabric slipped again.
The friction gave way and the black fabric slid down
uncovering her preteen sex. There was a release of tension
throughout the room. The men were elated at the realization
of their desire, the girls relieved that there was no
embarrassment, no reason to feel uncomfortable or sorry
for the new member of their "club."
Julia leaned forward and pulled the panties down, then
stepped one foot out of them and straightened up. She
kicked the garment, hitting her daddy squarely in the face,
it momentarily hung on his nose before following into his
"That's all they really want,
Some fun.
When the working day is done
Girls--they want to have fun"
Julia remembered her dance and went back down the
runway, feeling totally free. She felt she was flying in her
dance. Never had she danced so well or enjoyed it so much.
Every move was second nature, she didn't have to think,
she just moved along, her body remembering the steps, her
arms remembering the poses.
The audience was totally rapt. There was always a tension,
an anxiety of anticipation the first time a newbie dances.
Some girls had run off the stage, some girls went ahead but,
obviously, didn't feel comfortable. But, that was not the
case with Julia. She was having the time of her life. The
feeling of all the eyes, surveying her uncovered chest, she
could feel them rubbing against her butt, she felt them
penetrating her smoothly rounded pussy lips. She saw the
beads of sweat on the men's foreheads, a couple moved
their tongue over their lips. The girls had looks of
admiration as they compared there own image to this new
child on stage. Some felt lacking, most felt happy that
another could share in their own enjoyment of themselves,
only a few were selfish enough to think they were better.
"Oh girls just want to have fun,
They want to have fun,
They want to have fun..."
Too soon, the music faded and she ran out of steps. The
room erupted into applause. She came back into the world,
saw the happy faces of all those people. She felt great,
appreciated, even loved as she walked halfway out the
runway and picked up her discarded dress, then she went to
the stairs and met the MC.
"Julia, that was a wonderful dance!"
She really didn't have anything to say but, "Thank you."
"Let's give this wonderful girl a big applause!"
Again, the clapping reached another crescendo as she went
back to the table and met her father. She draped the dress
over an empty chair, then sat down on her daddy's lap.
Don wrapped his arms around his naked daughter and felt
the smooth, soft skin. What before had been a tightness
now broke free in a rush. He felt his member stiffen along
his leg and push up against his daughter. For a moment he
was embarrassed, wondering if she felt it and if he should
do anything. But then he thought, 'What the hell?' and gave
in to his feelings.
Julia felt giddy and happy. Her daddy's arms around her
were reassuring and loving. But then she became aware that
his hands were on her flesh, one on her ribs and the other
on her thigh. This stopped her and she became acutely
aware of him. The feeling of his hard chest and stomach
through his shirt against her back. Then, with a shock, she
realized what the hard ridge on his thigh, pushing against
the back of hers, and her butt, was. For a moment she
wanted to lift up but, then, something else took over. She
was amused, and she wanted to feel it more, she wanted to
feel it against her skin, she wanted to see it, feel it with her
fingers.... She felt another thing, both a familiar and a
strange slickness in her crotch.
The MC had been called away from the stage steps. There
was a lull in the noise. Then he walked back, through the
crowd, leading Heather by the hand around the tables and
back into the light.
"Ok, ladies and gentlemen, well, now, I guess we're going
to have something really special for you." He paused and
bent down to the naked nine year old. "Heather, you told
me you had something very special to tell us. What did you
till tell me?"
He held the mic down to the girl and she said something
that was not picked up correctly.
"You have to say it louder, honey." He held the mic to the
little girl again.
"I want to fuck my daddy!" Her voice boomed over the
"Allllright!" the MC said. "You've never fucked your
daddy before."
"Have you fucked anyone before?"
"And you want us all to watch you fuck your daddy
The MC looked up, across the room to where the judge was
sitting. "Well Judge, what do you think?"
The grey haired man picked up his cowboy hat from the
table and put it on his head, then he gave a slow nod.
"Well, come on up here, Judge," the MC called as he
turned to the little girl and lifted her up, sitting her on the
Once the judge had joined them, the MC started again.
"Now, Heather, you say you've never fucked before."
"Uh hu."
"Judge, do you know if she's ever fucked before?"
"Not that I know of," he replied.
Turning to Heather, the MC said, "Julia, you know we have
to check?"
"o----k" Her voice was small.
"Now you just lay back and lift your knees up," the MC
said as he gently lay the child back. She, quite naturally,
put her heels on the very edge of the stage, fully exposing
her hairless beaver.
The MC leaned down and, with his free hand, spread her
little girl cunt lips. "I definitely see a cherry in there," he
said. "Judge, look here and confirm your little girl's
The judge leaned down, then had to take his hat off because
it was blocking the spot light, and inspected his nine year
old daughters sex.
"Yep, she's a virgin," he said.
The two men straightened up.
"And your little girl wants you to bust that tonight, right
"Well, Doc, I'm ready if she is."
The MC pulled the child back up sitting. "Are you ready to
have your father break your cherry?"
The room burst into applause.
"Well, alright then, lets do it!" the MC yelled.
As people clapped and the Judge and Heather walked to the
stairs, then up on stage, two of the waitresses, one of them
Martha, carried a softly upholstered chair out the runway,
placing it near the end. Heather and her father walked up to
the chair. The judge said something to his daughter, then
sat down in the chair. Again he said something to Heather
that the audience couldn't hear. The little girl leaned down
in front of him and started tugging on one of his boots. A
few people laughed as the child tugged, working her
daddy's boots off.
After she had them off, he stood up, then unbuttoned his
shirt, let it fall to the floor, he placed his hat on top of it,
then stood in front of his daughter. She looked up at him,
an apprehensive look on her face, as he put his hands on
her shoulders and slowly pushed her down into the chair.
Next he sank down onto his knees and, gently, inserted his
hands between hers, pushing them slowly apart. The
spreading of her legs caused her to slide down slightly in
the chair, her hands on the arms. Next, he pulled her by the
knees, sliding her further down and spreading her legs even
For Don, the scene was intoxicating. He knew what was
happening, he knew that the Judge was getting his little girl
positioned for him to go down on her. However, Julia knew
nothing of this. She watched as the Judge leaned down and
kissed Heather, and she giggled when he leaned further
down and kissed her nipples, but it was a complete shock
when he bent further down and ran his tongue along the
nine year olds slit. Heather writhed with pleasure, her
hands squeezing the arm rests of the chair, her hips pushing
slightly up into her father's face. She was both surprised
and, in a strange way, allured. The idea of having someone
lick you like that had never occurred to her but she could
also imagine how wonderful it would feel.
Heather was being elevated to a different world. She had
seen pictures, and even one movie, of men and women
doing this (she had watched through the railing of the
stairway when her father thought she was asleep) but had
never dreamed it would feel so good. A few times, here at
the club, and once at home watching TV, her daddy had put
his hand down there and rubbed her until she shuddered
and shook with the little explosions in her tummy, but this
was on a plain above and she was beyond control as she
was rocked by her daddy's tongue to an exquisite orgasm.
The Judge had dreamed of this time often, imagining the
feel and taste of his daughters cunt. Many times he had
pumped wasted sperm into the sheets of his bed, dreaming
of bringing his darling Heather off in a screaming climax.
What he had not imagined was the venue-on stage with
dozens of strangers and acquaintances watching. It was all
too much, too much. But, being in front of all these friends
made it even more exciting. He wanted to show off, he
wanted the feeling of power to know that a dozen other
men wished they were him. (He also knew that he was
cementing himself in a very exclusive club of the richest
and most influential men in the state. He would have no
trouble raising campaign funds and would be part of the
real elite power mongers. It struck him as strange how this
mutual arrangement would guarantee him a seat on the
State Supreme Court-all because he would be his
daughter's first fuck).
Julia was mesmerized as she watched her little friend being
rocked by a long rolling orgasm. Then she felt her father's
hand moving up her inner thigh. She knew she had to feel
his fingers against her. She unconsciously spread her knees
slightly and almost exploded when she felt his finger push
between her lips and touch her itching bump.
A different person had taken over Don. He was on
automatic pilot, aware of his hand moving along the soft
flesh of his daughter's inner thigh, and not able to do
anything to stop it. Then he settled into the preteen's soft
cunt, feeling the smooth lips, the lovely crease between. He
moved his index finger along the slit and it parted, a moist
slickness between, and then he felt the firm baby pea of her
clit. Julia slid down further, spreading her legs more for her
father. As she moved, she felt the hard ridge of his cock
pushing up through his pants against her butt.
She reached up over her shoulder with one of her hands and
felt the side of his face. She gently pulled it forward,
feeling his cheek against her hair and ear, then her cheek.
She put her other hand on his, encouraging and guiding him
as he stroked her pussy.
Don looked down along his daughter's body. Her nipples
were pushed up, little bumps above the light flesh. He
could see the top of her pussy, just the start of the small
peaks which were her pussy lips. He could see his hand, his
middle finger extended, parting the lips and rubbing her
most private parts. He felt the opening of her vagina with
the end of his finger and gently pushed inside the hot
On stage, the Judge had brought Heather off to three
crashing orgasms. As he had watched his third grade
daughter rocking, he had undone his pants and pushed them
down to his bent knees. His penis stood out, fully hard. It
wasn't too big, maybe six inches long and it bent up in an
arc to a flattened stirrup head. He stroked it a couple of
times as his little girl humped into his face.
After she had calmed down, the Judge rocked back on his
heals. Heather was sprawled out on the chair, panting and
completely open. He struggled to his feet, standing over his
child, his cock making a shadow across her. Heather
opened her eyes and saw her daddy, standing above her, his
erection pointing out over her. She reached up and wrapped
her little hand around his cock. The Judge reached down
and, taking her shoulder, pulled her back up, sitting. Now
she was looking straight at his member. Almost
instinctively, but also because of the pictures and movie she
had seen, she knew what was needed. She leaned forward
and was pleased with the soft musky smoothness of her
fathers cock in her mouth. It seemed to fit perfectly, she
didn't need to strain her jaw, the head nestled perfectly into
the back of her throat.
She sucked him in and out in short strokes, feeling him
grow even bigger as he started to hump into her face.
Don moved his finger from side to side, working between
the soft lips into the moistness of his daughter's pussy. The
inner lips parted and he pushed into the preteen vagina,
burying into the first knuckle until he felt the thin
membrane of her maidenhead.
Julia came again with the feeling of her daddy's finger
inside her, even with the little pain of him pushing against
her cherry. She was acutely aware of his cock against her
and wanted to feel it, just as her friend Heather was feeling
her daddy's cock in her mouth.
The judge pulled back. He was supposed to deflower his
daughter, not fill here mouth with sperm. Heather looked
up at her dad, wondering what was next. The audience
couldn't hear what he said, but they saw the incredulous
look on her face. He asked again and she looked straight at
the penis in her hand. Then, with a smile she sucked at her
lips, then spat on the head.
He said something again, and, again, she worked up the
saliva and spat on her father's dick head. He knelt back
down, pushing her back into the seat. Now, with his
thumbs, he pulled her little girl pussy lips apart, opening
the white outer lips, parting the pink inner ones to reveal
the dark opening of her sex. He leaned down and let a big
dollop of his own spit string out of his mouth, landing
precisely on her inner pussy lips.
Next he straightened up and, using his thumbs, he spread
the preteen pussy lips apart, then, working his hips, placed
the head of his cock exactly against the opening to
Heather's sex.
She looked up at her daddy with an expression of desire
and fear when she felt his head against her. The Judge
looked down, admiring the sight of his cock against a
perfectly clean and hairless cunt. He moved his cockhead
up and down, working slightly into his daughter. Heather
felt a sharp pain as he stretched her cunt. She squeezed the
arms of the chair more tightly and closed her eyes,
preparing herself for what was to come.
The Judge pushed slightly and Heather pulled away a little,
avoiding the pain of his cock pushing into her immature
sex. He wrapped his hands around the child's hips, holding
her, then pushed harder. Heather arched her back and
squeezed her eyes closed as he pushed into her, straining
her cherry. Then he pulled back slightly and, taking a firm
grasp of the nine year olds hips, pushed again.
A high whimper escaped Heather as the audience saw her
father's hips settle forward four inches. A sharp pain shook
the child as her hymen was ruptured and her father's cock
pushed deep inside her. The Judge held her hips firmly,
keeping his cock buried inside his daughter as she moved to
pull away from the pain. He couldn't believe the sight of
his cock spreading the preteen pussy lips, over half of it
disappearing inside the nine year old.
She calmed down as the pain passed, when he pulled back
he could see his dick was stained red with his child's virgin
blood. He pushed in again, now aware of the incredible
tightness of the preteen cunt.
This time it did not hurt as much and, by his fourth stroke,
the pleasure of feeling her daddy sliding in and out of her
surpassed the sting of having her cherry popped.
He released her hips and put his hands on the child's
shoulders as he started a regular pumping. Heather looked
up at her father, moving with him. She grasped his upper
arms as she watched him, feeling his manhood sliding in
and out of her. Her orgasm started to build rapidly.
Julia wanted desperately to feel something up inside her.
She guided her daddy's hand and finger, pushing it deeper
and not letting it come out. Don didn't want to deflower his
daughter, but, at her insistence, he pushed his finger deeper,
stretching the membrane without breaking it, and pushing
at least three inches inside his daughter.
As Heather's orgasm built, so did Julia's. Heather could
feel only her daddy, sliding in and out of her. Julia was
acutely aware of the new feelings her daddy was bringing
to her. Don was blown away by the feeling of his
daughter's smoothness while the Judge was about to loose
He was now doing a regular pistoning, pushing in and out
of the child, the audience getting more and more tense with
the coming orgasm. Heather was rocking with her father,
accepting his dick deep inside her, the pressure and tingling
Watching his dick slide in an out of a tight, hairless cut was
over powering the usually stayed Judge and, as he watched
Heather nearing the top of her climb, he gave himself up to
the feelings. Heather arched her back and writhed as her
pussy shivered around her sires cock. With explosive force,
the Judge blew sperm into his daughter, filling her cunt,
more finding its way through into her preteen womb.
Heather felt the sudden hot flood deep inside her tiny
snatch. Her father was filling her with his loving sperm and
the idea totally overwhelmed the child and she was
convulsed by the explosion within.
At the same moment, Julia was rocked by her own orgasm.
She hugged her father's arm tight against her as she
shivered with her father's finger. Don was awed by the
force of his little girl's orgasm. He could barely hold her as
she writhed and shuddered, groaning loudly at the same
time that Heather, on stage, was being filled with her
daddy's sperm.
They all relaxed and calmed down. The judge rocked back
on his heels, his blood stained prick still bouncing as the
last drops of semen oozed out. Heather sank into the chair,
her virginity gone, a new life of pleasure opened up. Julia
relaxed against her daddy, his finger still inside her, and
wondered about the hard member she felt against her butt.
Julia and Don were lost in their own rivalry, too occupied
to follow the actions on stage. Don brought his little girl off
twice more as the MC and Judge helped the ravished third
grader off stage, her legs unsteady, her senses jangled.
Then, as Julia stood up and faced her dad, pulling on his
belt and fly, the MC introduced the ten year old Japanese
twins and they started their dance to a slow tune. As Julia
sat down again, facing the stage, pulling her father's
enraged cock up against her smooth slit, the girls on stage
danced with each other, kissing and caressing, and slowly
pulled their sister's red formal down, then the blue thongs.
Julia was holding her dad's cock tight against her slit,
straddling his hips, her feet on the floor, lifting up, then
sinking down. Don had never dreamed of any sensation like
what he was experiencing. The softness of his daughters
hands and belly, the hot, wet smoothness of her little girl
cunt, the feeling of her laying back against his chest while
still lifting and falling, lifting and falling.
One of the oriental beauties on stage was nestled between
the other's knees, her sister on her back, knees up, humping
into the other's face. Julia came at the same time that the
child on stage did, they both let out high moans as the
pleasure spread through them.
Don was thinking about the feelings his daughter was
providing. The warm smoothness of her cunt and belly, her
little hands holding him there. He was also rubbing his
fingertips back and forth across Julia's just developing tits,
feeling the hard nub of her nipples with the pad of his
The children on stage had shifted. Now the child who had
brought her sister off had shuffled forward and was sitting
on her sibling's face. She ground her pussy into her sister,
her hands on the floor over her sister's head. Because of
their placement, Don and Julia could see the one's tongue
pushing deep into the other's slit
Julia was becoming more excited. She was lifting faster,
pushing her father's cock harder against her sex. The child
on stage was humping back and forth against her sister's
face. Both of the children's nipples stood out, the one on
the bottom was vigorously fingering herself.
As the tenth or twentieth orgasm of the evening built in
Julia's belly, she lifted just a little too far, pushed against
her daddy's dick just a little too hard and, as she dropped
down on top of him, his cock blasted into her pussy, tearing
through her cherry, and sunk deep inside her, up against the
opening of her womb.
The child gasped with the unexpected pain and tried to lift
up but Don had his hands on her hips and held her firmly,
holding her with his dick buried deep. Neither of them had
expected this. Don was shocked that he had just deflowered
his little girl and Julia was equally amazed that her father
was deep inside her and she was really "doing it."
After a moment, the pain started to pass and, with the
guidance of her father, Julia started to rise and lower on his
cock. The feeling of him sliding inside her was wonderful,
the pain decreasing and being forgotten. As the child
started to fuck in earnest, Don started to reciprocate,
humping slowly up as Julia came down.
Soon they were building to a crashing climax as the girls on
stage did the same, now in a ten year old sixty-nine. Don,
not far from cumming when he entered his child, was
feeling the pressure in his nuts, he was about to loose
control as Julia shook and cried with orgasm. He started
pumping his sperm into his daughter, shot after shot filling
the little girl cunt. Julia rocked with the fullness of her
father's jez being pumped inside her.
As their ardor sank, Julia leaned back against her dad, his
cock still deep inside her. They were both panting,
overcome by the intensity of their love making.
Not a few of the couples at other tables had noticed and
watched as Don took his little girl's virginity. They nodded
and smiled, a couple of girls whispering to their daddies
that they wanted to go home and do the same, a couple of
the men introducing their youngsters to the feelings of
having their sex rubbed. The youngest girl there, a little slip
of a six year old, for the first time tasted her daddy's sperm
as he emptied his sack into her face.
Later, after a trip to the bathrooms to clean up and get
dressed, Julia and her dad drove home in silence, her
cuddled up to his side in the car. They slept together that
night, and the night after that. Then, three day's later, after
the soreness had healed, Don made love to his ten year old
goddess again, this time in his bed, the lights dimmed. For
the next eight years they shared his bed, passionately
making love almost every night, until, as Julia looked
foreword to a new life, they slowed. They had been
members of the Daddy-Daughter's Nightclub for only three
more years for, under house rules, once a girl becomes a
woman they must go through a different door in the
hallway, one for young women and their fathers.
Then, one day, Don helped his daughter move into the
dorms at a state university many miles away. As he drove
home he was both sad that his lover had grown up and
happy to have shared such a special time with her.